Online Registration for Matric rewrite 2022

Online Registration for matric rewrite 2022

Here we’ll show you everything you need to know about Second Chance matric including Matric rewrite 2022 registration | closing date for matric rewrite 2022 & Online Registration for matric rewrite 2022

While matric exams are vital for learners to pursue a particular career, not all who take them pass at the first sit. Its no doubt that every students want to pass the exam but some times things goes south. Failure in matric exams can be caused to several things but as a student you should not worry about failing matric exams. You can take matric rewrites to improve your scores.

A rewrite is the best way to improve your matric subjects an corrects your previous mistakes. Students can receive free support for matric rewrites through the Department of Basic Education’s Second Chance Programme. This is everything you need to know about second chance matric.

Online Registration for Matric rewrite 2022
Online Registration for Matric rewrite 2022

About Second Chance matric

The aim of the Second Chance Matric Programme is to provide support to learners who have not been able to meet the requirements of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the extended Senior Certificate (SC), thereby meeting the goals of the NDP and the sector thus increasing learner retention.

Benefits Of  Matric Rewrite

  • Learners are able to get second chance to fix their mistakes and meet the requirements of the NSC or SC and obtain a Grade 12 matric certificate
  • Increase learner retention
  • Increase computer skills, job opportunities and career pathing
  • Learners are able to access bursary opportunities for further studies

Supported Candidates

  • Senior Certificate Examination Candidates: Learners registered to write the Senior Certificate examinations in June.
  • NSC Examinations Part-time candidates: Learners who attempted the NSC examinations post 2015 and will write the examinations in November.

Online Registration for Matric rewrite 2022

Did you write National Senior Certificate exams in November and are not satisfied with your results? Or did you miss some of the exam sessions due to circumstances beyond your control? Don’t despair; another exam opportunity is available in May/June.

Matric rewrite 2022 registration
Matric rewrite 2022 registration

Registration must be done between 01/10/2021 and 18/02/2022. Candidates may register at any provincial education office (which includes the provincial head office, the district office or a circuit office) OR register online on

To be registered you will need to submit the following:

  • Completed registration form
  • A certified copy of your ID document or birth certificate or passport (foreign candidates)
  • Repeater candidates must attach a copy of their previous highest qualification
  • If you have you entered and wrote any other Grade 12 or equivalent examination before you will need to supply the examination numbers for those exams.
Triple Michael
Triple Michael is a gamer and a computer enthusiast who enjoys assisting others by publishing answers to Windows and Android operating system difficulties. In his spare time, he likes watching movies and playing video games.