Matric Supplementary Exams 2022 Registration

Matric Supplementary Exams 2022 Registration

Applications to register for the Matric supplementary examination in 2022 | Matric Supplementary Exams 2022 Registration | Matric Supplementary Exams 2022 Registration

If you’re a 2021 Matriculant looking to be accepted into a Higher education institution or hoping to grab that childhood dream job, passing Matric Exam and receiving your certificate is one of the essentials.

However, for various reasons, the Matric exams may have been overwhelmingly difficult for you, and as a result, you may not meet the minimum requirements to pass grade 12 and step into the planned future. But not everything is lost. You will be eligible for a supplementary exam (now called the Second National Exam) and will be given a second chance to pass a failed subject.

Matric Supplementary Exams is a form of further assessment offered to students who have not satisfied the passing criteria (Matric Pass rate) set by the educational institution for a particular course.

Matric Supplementary Exams 2022 Registration

Who may apply for registration for the May/June 2022 examination?

Candidates who are unsuccessful, together with those that are desirous of improving their performance may write the May/June 2022 examination provided he/she meets the specific criteria.

Qualification For Matric Supplementary Exams 2022 Registration

  1. All candidates that registered for the October/November examination, as from 2008 may register for the May/June 2022 examination.
  2. Candidates may only register for subject/s for which they were registered, in the any previous October/November examination.
  3. Candidates who register for the May/June 2022 examination, must have completed their SBA tasks, Practical Assessment Tasks and the Language Oral marks in a previous October/ November examination.
  4. Candidates who were absent with a valid reason (ill-health, death in the immediate family or other special reasons) from one or more question papers, may register for the May/June 2022 examination. Documentary proof substantiating reasons for the absenteeism, must be submitted to the school principal or at the office, where the registration form is submitted.
  5. Candidates who want to improve their overall achievement status, or only want to improve their achievement in a specific subject, may register for the May/ June examination.
  6. In the case where a candidate was absent for one or more question papers the October/November examination, with a valid reason, the candidate must write all the question papers in that subject in the May/June examinations.
  7. In a case where an irregularity is being investigated, provisional enrolment for the May/June examination may be granted to the candidate concerned, pending the outcome of the investigation.

Closing Date for Matric Supplementary Exams 2022 Registration

The closing date for applications to register for the Matric supplementary examination is 18 February 2022.

What do I need to register For Matric Supplementary?

You will be required to have the following doccuments

  • Statement of your results.
  • Certified copy of your ID or passport.
  • If applicable, a written statement with reasons for absenteeism during October/November 2019 examination
  • along with supporting documentation.

How To Register For Matric Supplementary Exams 2022

Matric Supplementary Exam Registration is done by a candidate immediately after receiving his/her results and at the centre where he/she sat for the examination.

How can I prepare for my supplementary examination?

Exam Papers Past: Some of the most effective methods of revising are past exam papers. Access a variety of papers on different subjects from the Department of Education’s examinations.

Tutoring: You might also consider tutoring. Tutors can help you understand the difficult parts of your work that you cannot grasp on your own. They will ensure that you have covered all material before you rewrite. You can improve your marks by having support systems in place in advance.

Alternative options

Candidates who are not eligible to take the May/June 2022 exams have the following options.

  • Re-enrol for the NSC at a school, provided that the candidate is younger than 21 years of age.
  • Register as a part-time candidate at a Public Adult Education Centre, provided that the candidate is older than 21 years of age.
  • Register for vocational education and training at a Further Education and Training college.
Triple Michael
Triple Michael is a gamer and a computer enthusiast who enjoys assisting others by publishing answers to Windows and Android operating system difficulties. In his spare time, he likes watching movies and playing video games.