Rwanda TMIS registration And Login 2022

Rwanda TMIS registration And Login

TMIS Teacher registration Login –Teacher Management Information System

Teacher registration has an online portal called Teacher Registration Login which enables teachers to register themselves on the official website of the Teacher Management Information System (TMIS). Once registered, by logging into the Teacher Management Information System (TMIS), the teacher becomes part of the online portal.

This portal will assist you in your application for registration as stipulated in Presidential Order No. 064/01 of 16/03/2020 establishing special laws governing teachers in nursery, primary and secondary education in Rwanda.

You are required to fill out all forms correctly, provide real information about yourself and keep the registration number you obtained after completing your registration application. After registration, you have the right to request a license.

Rwanda TMIS registration And Login 2022

Rwanda TMIS Teacher registration And Login

For Existing Teacher Use This Link

TMIS registration of Teachers

All teachers must be registered with TMIS. Make sure that to appears in the teacher placement report, each teacher must provide information about his/her bank account.

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Triple Michael
Triple Michael is a gamer and a computer enthusiast who enjoys assisting others by publishing answers to Windows and Android operating system difficulties. In his spare time, he likes watching movies and playing video games.