Tshepo 1 Million contact details

Tshepo 1 Million contact details

Tshepo 1 Million contact details | tshepo 1 million email address

Tshepo 1 Million is a youth empowerment initiative from the Gauteng Provincial Government, designed to help young people (with any education level) access opportunities. In partnership with the private sector and the Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, Tshepo empowers youth by providing sustainable skills training, learning, and entrepreneurship development opportunities.

Tshepo, Harambee and SA Youth are working together.  This means that if you live in Gauteng, whether you sign up for tshepo.mobi, sayouth.mobi or harambee.mobi, your data goes into the same system. All communications you receive after registering with Tshepo will be from Harambee.

Tshepo 1 Million contact details
Tshepo 1 Million contact details

Tshepo 1 Million contact details

If by any chance you run into any problem or you are currently seeking for more information about Tshepo 1 Million, Here we have brought you some of the contact details you can use contacting Tshepo 1 Million help center.

Call SA Youth guides toll-free for a full range of support

0800 72 72 72

Email Tshepo 1 Million dedicated team to help you with any of your queries


Also you can keep in touch with Tshepo team readily available to chat to you about any of your queries

Go to Facebook

Chech Tshepo Opportuniries Here

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Triple Michael
Triple Michael is a gamer and a computer enthusiast who enjoys assisting others by publishing answers to Windows and Android operating system difficulties. In his spare time, he likes watching movies and playing video games.