DBE Application For Phase II 2021- sayouth.me

DBE Application For Phase II- sayouth.me

sayouth.me/DBE. The Department of Basic Education opened the call for applications for the second phase of the Basic Education Employment Initiative on Monday, September 27, which was scheduled to close at midnight on October 3. The department has extended the application period until midnight on October 10

DBE Application For Phase II- sayouth.me
DBE Application For Phase II- sayouth.me

We would like to notify the public that the web-based/electronic application form is an alternative application method; However, it is not zero rated and requires a small amount of data (3 megabytes) to complete. mobi (sayyouth.me/DBE) is still open for applications

  • Visit sayouth.me/DBE to access the form
  • The link takes applicants to the home page where they are asked to select the province they are in.
  • Fill in the required fields with your personal data and make sure that all the information, in particular the contact number, is correct
  • Search for the name of the school closest to you or click the drop-down list to select the school.
  • Only schools in the county where you reside will appear in the list.
  • Double check that all the information is correct, click Submit. If you have applied, there is no need to apply

Applicants should note that forms must be submitted online, as NO walk-ins to schools will be allowed due to Covid-19 restrictions and the preparation of final exams for the year, at both primary and high schools.

For more information to apply visit official Webpage https://hrmb.typeform.com/to/QZAvw64Z

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Triple Michael
Triple Michael is a gamer and a computer enthusiast who enjoys assisting others by publishing answers to Windows and Android operating system difficulties. In his spare time, he likes watching movies and playing video games.