Bandari College Fee Structure Dar-es Salaam | Ada Ya Chuo Cha Bandari

Bandari College Dar-es Salaam Fee Structure | Ada Ya Chuo Cha Bandari/ Bandari College Fee Structure: Bandari College (BC) is a technical training institution registered by National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (NACTVET) (then NACTE) in 2004 with registration number REG/EOS/018. BC obtained full accreditation in 2017.  The College is situated at Mahunda street, nearby Mwembe Yanga playground in Temeke District, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Bandari College’s programs include a competency-based curriculum, a flexible manner of delivery, and assessments at the certificate and diploma levels. It also provides a wide selection of short courses within its mandate at its campus, as well as tailor-made courses as needed, to be delivered within or outside its campus at the client’s convenience.

Bandari College Dar-es Salaam Fee Structure | Ada Ya Chuo Cha Bandari

If you are looking for the information about the fee structure of Bandari collage in Dar es salaam, then you have come to the right place. Below we have bring you all Bandari fees charged to different programmes from short corses, certificate to diploma.

Bandari College Dar-es Salaam Fee Structure | Ada Ya Chuo Cha Bandari
Bandari College Dar-es Salaam Fee Structure | Ada Ya Chuo Cha Bandari

Bandari Collage Fee Structure for Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4)

S/N ITEM Local (Tshs) Foreigner ($) Paid direct to BC.
1 Tuition Fee 900,000 450
2 Registration 10,000 5
3 NACTVET Quality Assurance Fee 15,000
4 Academic Transcript 10,000 5
5 Examination Fee 50,000 25
6 Student’s ID Card 10,000 5
7 Graduation Gown 20,000 15
8 *NHIF Contribution 50,400
9 BACOSO 20,000
Total Amount (Per 1,085,400 505

Below is the table show all fee charge at NTA Level 5 at Bandari Collage

Bandari College fee structure for Technician Certificate (NTA Level 5)

S/N ITEM Local (Tshs) Foreigner ($) Paid direct to BC. Foreigner (Tshs) Payable to other Institutions
1 Tuition Fee 1,000,000 600
2 Registration 10,000 5
3 NACTE Quality Assurance Fee 15,000 15,000
4 Academic Transcript 10,000 5
5 Examination Fee 50,000 25
6 Student’s ID Card 10,000 5
7 Graduation Gown 20,000 15
8 *NHIF Contribution 50,400 50,400
9 BACOSO 20,000 20,000
Total Amount (Per Annum) 1,185,400 655 85,400

The table below shows Ordinary Diploma Bandari College Fee Structure Dar-es Salaam | Ada Ya Chuo Cha Bandari kwa diploma

The Fee Structure for Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6)

S/N ITEM Local (Tshs) Foreigner ($) Paid direct to BC. Foreigner (Tshs) Payable to other Institutions
1 Tuition Fee 1,000,000 600
2 Registration 10,000 5
3 NACTE Quality Assurance Fee 15,000 15,000
4 Academic Transcript 10,000 5
5 Examination Fee 50,000 25
6 Graduation Gown 20,000 15
7 *NHIF Contribution 50,400 50,400
8 BACOSO 20,000 20,000
Total Amount (Per Annum) 1,175,400 650 85,400

For short courses programme, Bandari collage charge Tsh. 650,000/= For Tanzanians and US$410 For Foreigners

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Triple Michael
Triple Michael is a gamer and a computer enthusiast who enjoys assisting others by publishing answers to Windows and Android operating system difficulties. In his spare time, he likes watching movies and playing video games.